Management Committee

The Management Committee are responsible for all aspects of management, maintenance and control of the Trust Property (referred to as ‘the Centre’) and are responsible for ensuring that sufficient funds are generated to meet all expenses arising in connection with the Centre.

The responsibilities of the Committee and limitations on the use of the Centre are laid out in a Trust Deed that was set up in May 1970 and which can be updated, if required, by application to the Charities Commission.

The Trust Deed provides for a Committee of up to fifteen elected members including up to six co-opted members as well as one representative from any established (non profit making) local community group or organisation including groups which use the Centre on a regular basis. Holding Trustees are also entitled to sit as members of the Committee. Any member of the Association can stand for election to the Committee and volunteers are always needed.

The Committee meet for an ordinary meeting on the second Monday of alternate months except July when the Annual General Meeting is held. Any member of the community is entitled to attend the AGM and paid up members of the Association are entitled to vote on matters that require a general vote.

From time to time the Committee publishes newsletters, organises social events and arranges working parties to carry out tasks at the Centre. Volunteers are always welcome. Please contact any member of the Committee.


The Delamere Community Association currently has five Trustees, who also serve on the committee:

Patricia Wheeler
Rev’d Angela Askwith
David Rutter
Paul Dean
Mike Gore

Name Position
Paul Dean Chairman
Cynthia Green Vice Chairman
Steve Lacey Treasurer
Jane Wright Minute Secretary
Dorothy Buckley Booking Secretary
Lorraine Roberts  
Carol Evans  
Fred Millership  
Derek Wheeler